Step 1: Follow “ATEQ Leak/Flow Testing Services” on Facebook.
Step 2: Take a photo that demonstrates the importance of leak testing. Thousands of products require quality control leak testing in a variety of industries including automotive, medical, electronics, packaging, aviation etc. So think of something that would need leak testing and take a cool photo of it!
Step 3: Send your picture and caption in a facebook message to our @atequsa facebook page so we can post it on our social media platforms.
Step 4: Follow our social media pages to see your famous photo. Tell your friends to “Like “Share” “Tag” & “Comment” on your photo to increase your chances of winning!
Step 5: At the end of May, the most popular photo will be the winner of the $100 Amazon giftcard! We will send the winner a facebook message to get their info to email them their prize!
Photos submitted to ATEQ will become property of ATEQ to use however they see fit.