May is Photography Month!
Enter in ATEQ’s Leak Testing Photography Contest!
To celebrate National Photography Month, we will be featuring photographs on ATEQ’s social media pages that are sent in by our followers.  Those who submit photos will be entered in a contest for a chance to win a $100 Amazon Gift Card!

Step 1: Follow “ATEQ Leak/Flow Testing Services” on Facebook.

Step 2: Take a photo that demonstrates the importance of leak testing. Thousands of products require quality control leak testing in a variety of industries including automotive, medical, electronics, packaging, aviation etc. So think of something that would need leak testing and take a cool photo of it!

Step 3: Send your picture and caption in a facebook message to our @atequsa facebook page so we can post it on our social media platforms.

Step 4: Follow our social media pages to see your famous photo. Tell your friends to “Like “Share” “Tag” & “Comment” on your photo to increase your chances of winning!

Step 5: At the end of May, the most popular photo will be the winner of the $100 Amazon giftcard! We will send the winner a facebook message to get their info to email them their prize!

Like us on Facebook  Follow us on Twitter  View our profile on LinkedIn  View on Instagram

Photos submitted to ATEQ will become property of ATEQ to use however they see fit.